

Photography can be fun and, at times, frustrating. The challenges of getting portraits of a hard working bee, or that of the playful one for that matter. The challenges of holding still and for prolonged times. And of course the challenges of learning to improve and get those missed shots the next time around. All of them are often frustrating and perhaps even depressing at times. But when we capture those stills, the ones that we call keepers, that’s when it all pays off in pride. Yet, the point of photography for me is not the product, rather the process. The challenges are what makes photography fun.

I’ve been using my gear seriously since early 2005, on and off. During that period I’ve experimented, learned, had good and bad days and even managed to take enjoy hobby professionally. The joy of doing something one loves and enjoys to their core, all the while getting paid, can’t be easily described in words. From seminars to conferences to high-profile government and embassy receptions to kids going wild with painting colors and glitters. I got them all on my professional resume.

Some of the shots I took on my own time are shared. I’ll probably get around to creating a gallery of photos taken professionally. Until then, enjoy these galleries.

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