Here are some of those who agreed to model for me. These are some of the shots that I like. Each shot has a story of some sort. Although posed, I tried to capture the mood of each person as true as possible.
These photos are copyright Ashod Nakashian and I don’t appreciate using them without my permission. Please ask for permission before using them in any work. Thanks for understanding.

Found You!




Baby Smile.

A moment...

Colorful Spring.



Naughty Boy!

Candle Thoughts.

Modeling in the Cold Sun.

Attentive Listener.

Far away...

Happy dreamy.

Friends forever.

Life is Beautiful, Just Smile.

Emotional Eyes.

Another one like this.

Am I hot or what?!?

A Distant Thought!

Playing in the Snow.

Unhappy Clown.

Chillin' Outdoors.

Coca-Cola Love Girl.

Baby Glamour.

Childhood Dreams.

Take me?

Ain't Coming Back.


Into the Music...
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